Reading Habits
Click R
Establish Libraries
Click E
Appreciating Heroes - IRO
Click A
Digitally Save Endangered Stories
Click D
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View & Register for Literary Events Across India
(Literary Events by the Members of ABC – Association of Book Clubs)

Book Club
Welcome To A.B.C.
Association of Book Club is a concept to rekindle the joy of reading and make carrying books in hand fashionable again by assimilating Book Clubs across India under one platform
Donation Campaign
Food4Thought Foundation is crowd / CSR / Private funded Not for Profit initiative which has been successfully able to achieve it goals through your love, support and donations. Your donations mean a lot to us as they not support igniting read revolutions across India but also act as a source of encouragement to the hundreds of Volunteers.
- Reading Habits
- Joy of Reading Sessions, Story Telling Sessions, Dictionary Marathon Sessions etc and conducted by our Volunteers on a calendarised basis. You can adopt a cluster of 3 Libraries / Schools and encourage Reading Habits.
- Establishing Libraries
- Establishing Libraries includes identifying Schools, Mapping the reading profile, Collating Books and Opening a Library in the School. You can establish One or More Libraries in your loved ones and create access to books / periodicals to the School / Community
- Appreciating Heroes (IRO)
- India Reading Olympiad (IRO) is a platform that enables, encourages, endorses an ecosystem that creates active reading spaces & joy of reading and appreciates the efforts towards igniting a reading revolution across 13 categories by institutions and individuals.
- Digitising Endangered Stories
- Project Save a endangered Story focuses on recording & saving endangered stories, folklore etc which are being passed through generations and are now facing a possible of extinction. These recorded stories are digitised as Video and Podcast and are available for wider circulation & references through e-Library