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Best Library 2020-2021
Kukatpally in Sangareddy has a school named MPPS Shamshiguda. In 1972, MPPS Shamshiguda, Telangana was launched with the student teacher ratio being 18:1 and the primary medium of instruction being Telugu. Classes from 1st to 5th run in this school .
Z.P.H.S Rudraram high school was established in the year 1997. As it
is a high school they have classes from 6 to 10 . they are very proud to say their school has many facilities and a very good infrastructure also they have 6 class rooms.
Sri Sri Gnan Dainchara is English Medium school from Class Nursery to Class IV. they believe in overall development and stress-free education.
Sri Sri Gnan Mandir, Shingnapur school started in 2011 and from LKG to Class 7th they believe in overall development and stress-free education.