Best Library
Best Library 2022-2023
Kukatpally in Sangareddy has a school named MPPS Shamshiguda. In 1972, MPPS Shamshiguda, Telangana was launched with the student teacher ratio being 18:1 and the primary medium of instruction being Telugu. Classes from 1st to 5th run in this school .
GHPS Doddadenahalli is a high school that was established in the year 1997. As it
is an upper primary school we have classes from 1 to 7. We are very proud to say our
school has many facilities and a very good infrastructure also we have 6 classrooms.
SSGM Domohani is a English Medium school from Class Nursery to Class IV. We believe in overall development and stress free education.
Sri Sri Gnan Mandir, Shingnapur school started in 2011 and from LKG to Class 7th We believe in overall development and stress free education.
SSGM Indirapuram is a English Medium school from Class Nursery to Class IV.Established in 2002 We believe in overall development and stress free education.