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Donation Campaign

Food4Thought Foundation is crowd / CSR / Private funded Not for Profit initiative which has been successfully able to achieve it goals through your love, support and donations. Your donations mean a lot to us as they not support igniting read revolutions across India but also act as a source of encouragement to the hundreds of Volunteers.

  • Reading Habits
  • 100
  • Joy of Reading Sessions, Story Telling Sessions, Dictionary Marathon Sessions etc and conducted by our Volunteers on a calendarised basis. You can adopt a cluster of 3 Libraries / Schools and encourage Reading Habits.
  • Establishing Libraries
  • 100
  • Establishing Libraries includes identifying Schools, Mapping the reading profile, Collating Books and Opening a Library in the School. You can establish One or More Libraries in your loved ones and create access to books / periodicals to the School / Community
  • Digitising Endangered Stories
  • 100
  • Project Save a endangered Story focuses on recording & saving endangered stories, folklore etc which are being passed through generations and are now facing a possible of extinction. These recorded stories are digitised as Video and Podcast and are available for wider circulation & references through e-Library
  • Individual Contribution
  • 100
  • You can contribute towards building libraries for reading spaces and spreading the joy of reading among students in form of story sessions, the joy of reading sessions. Every contribution of yours will be exempted under 80G and shall receive a receipt from the Food4thoughtfoundation team.