Reading 4 Pleasure Institute


RBVRR Womens College, Hyderabad 2019-2020

The Department of English, RBVRR Women’s College, Hyderabad  has established the Quills Literary Club. The aim of the club is to provide a safe space for students to share their literary and creative ideas. The Club aims to fulfill the vision and mission of the College by enhancing the ability of students to communicate in the larger social and cultural context. 

The Literary Club is named Quills as the quill is an identity marker of English literary which was used by our early writers.

Presently, there are 81 members in the club. The club operates from June to October and December to February. Each month, they organize a meeting. The meetings include discussions on specific literary texts, authors, cultural issues and even films. The club also organizes, workshops and guest lectures for its members.

They encourage students to participate in various literary and cultural competitions held in the city.

The club also has a writing portal, ’Quills: The World of Words’. The blog was introduced to encourage creative writing among students from both rural and urban areas. The biggest impact of the club is that it has imparted confidence and conversation skills to young girls who come from various backgrounds.