Reading For Pleasure NGO



Esha started as an initiative to bring Braille books directly to the readers. In 2005, they pioneered braille visiting cards in India – this service is still going strong and is now managed entirely by the VI Professionals whom they mentored over years. The braille cards service has created braille enabled visiting cards for organisations like IIT Delhi, Wipro, IBM, TeamLease, and most recently, the British High Commission and a senior bureaucrat of India.

This NGO provides supplementary education after school Hours. They can use the audio content to make their sessions more enriching.

Today, Esha focuses on the audio library and sensitization events for the

sighted, to help create an inclusive mindset.

There are 6908 audio files are now available for download in 22 languages

created for the use of the visually challenged

In 2010, they realized that compared to Braille, audio was more scalable and helped us deal with declining Braille literacy. A volunteer led audio library in Indian languages was started in 2010, with 38 files recorded by the founder. Since then, the initiative has added content every year through volunteers who record as part of a summer project.

The library now has content in 23 Indian languages. Content that is unused is  routinely retired from the library, so that a user does not get lost in a problem of plenty. This is especially important as their users are screen reader dependent. So, they had to ensure that they can get to their needed content in a short time.